Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mama said knock you out...

The following people and events are true.
Nathan goes to a sparring class during the week. Basically you get in the ring with another guy and have at it at full steam. Less than a minute into it on Thursday, Nathan knocked Joe* out. Saturday morning, we walk into the gym and the first thing we hear from the front desk guy is "Hey there knockout." Nathan turns to me and says, "See, I wasn't making it up." (I feel that I should interject here, at no point did I doubt the story.) According to the front desk guy, Nathan must have got Joe good because Joe went to a meeting on Friday morning with the store manager and later on in the day asked if he was going to have a meeting with the manager - forgetting that it had already taken place.
Then the instructor came over and said that she heard about sparring class. Apparently, this is the talk of the town!
So, do any of you remember playing the Telephone Game where someone whispers something to one person who whispers to the next and so on until it reaches the last person? Things always ended up different. At this point, I imagine that the story has become more of a tall tale. For that reason, I have been calling Nathan, Wallace, as in William Wallace whose reputation was exaggerated. (I've heard he's seven feet tall! Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.)

*The name of this person has been changed to protect their identity and minimize jabbing (ha, ha) comments.


Jordan said...

I'd be a little worried that some GUY is calling your man a knockout. That's just me though.

Jessica said...

DANICA... *imagine the way dad says it*
You totaly crack me up. That is a great story. I love it!!! I am sure Nathan's head is about as big a Cody's was when he shot the winning goal. Talk of the town and all.....*wink* ;)

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