Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tag...I'm it!
1. I am a germ-a-phobe when in public. I will not touch door handles with my bare hands. I will use a sleeve if I have to. (besides, that's what men are for, to open doors and stuff) And I won't use public restrooms. I would rather take my chances of peeing in my pants.
2. I have to have toenail polish on ALL the time. My feet feel naked without it.
3. I wish I knew how to play the guitar.
4. Some people are tall, some are super strong, me...I have larger pupils than most people. Aren't you jealous?
5. I've been trying to finish this list for about 2 weeks.
6. I love Pepsi (from a can) in a glass with crushed ice! I really don't drink soda much, I just need a fix sometimes.
7. I'm training to be a cage fighter. Just kidding. But, I am going to do a one-on-one boxing/kickboxing training on Monday :/ I'll let you know if I can move on Tuesday.
8. I like to sleep - yet I have insomnia. How does that work?
9. I've been craving a chocolate cupcake with buttercream frosting for about 2 weeks now. (thanks to Lisa)
10. I am redecorating our bedroom (much to Nathan's chagrin)
There you have it. Now get going on your 10 things! :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My, do we LOVE our Lemons!!!
I stole this off of my sister's blog. It's just too cute not to share.
These are our Lemons. Meet my little sister (I mean 7 years younger Sister), Danica and her husband, The Infamous Uncle Nathan. Who wouldn't love some lemon's in their family? And we
are the lucky ones to have them!!!
And so I bring you another funny story courtesy of Kyndal.
The other day while in the produce section while at the grocery store, Kyndal sees a large basket of Lemons that happen to be on sale 4/1.00 And the following conversation ensues:
Kyndal: MOM! Can I please have one of those lemons?
Mom: (thinking, Sure I have a recipe I'd like to try with lemon zest) "Sure Honey, how about this nice big lemon?"
Kyndal then begins loving,hugging and rocking her lemon like a baby. And don't forget giving it smooches.
And then she says:"I love my lemon."
Mom: "Who else loves Lemons?"
Kyndal: "Danica. She is a Lemon and so is Uncle Nathan."
Mom: "Yep they are and we love them. They are our Lemons"
Kyndal: "Danica LOVES lemons. She has them in her tummy and in her Heart."
My sister had a good laugh when I told her this story. And assures me the only lemons in her tummy are the lemon juice from her diet Pepsi!! Drats that means we have no little Lemon drops on the way. If every one chipped in and sent them a little 'Lemon-Aide" for the Lemon drop fund, they would probably use it to sit on the beach and sip a cold virgin strawberry daiquiri!!!! What gives? I thought maybe Kyndal knew something we all didn't!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blogging and Boxing
About four weeks ago, Danica and I started taking boxing classes at this new gym here in P-town called LA Boxing. They have classes for boxing, kick boxing, MMA and a few other fighting techniques. The first class was a challenge to say the least, as I wanted to puke after the class, but we are starting to get into a good routine now. I have taken a couple of one on one classes (which are extremely tiring but very empowering), plus their class schedule forces me to leave work at a reasonable hour. Maybe we will find some pictures to put up at some point.
Hopefully this post satisfies Danica's anger for at least a day or two (probably shouldn't let her learn how to punch and kick harder with so much anger).
Lemon out.